Ashton De Boule - Servant to the Shadow

Full Name: Ashton De' Boule 
(Ash-ton Day-Bool)
Nickname: Ash
Physical age: Appears to be in his early 30's.
Actualy age: well into his 1000's.
Species: Human/Astral
Weapon of choice: Dark Star Blade,
Affiliation: Lawful Evil
Loyalties: Ronin
The Dark Star Blade: The evil equivalent
to the Destiny Blade. Appears as a shuriken
glyph on Ashtons right hand. When activated,
however, it becomes a dark energy blade of
destructive properties.
Ashton De Boule is a name that appears in many
history books mainly as the mysterious right-
hand-man of the ancient Emepror Niflite.
Within the Empire, he ruled the forces of Dark Eden,
his private kingdom. When the Nifian Empire ended,
Ashton vanished from history.
Where Ashton went is unknown...Dark Eden became
a desolate land, ruled by a king unknown...the land
purged into eternal darkness...Some say Ashton
still rules Dark Eden in secret with his towering palace
of Sable Muertis. Some say he was slain by Kaworu
Azreel...his Yami Reflection...the leader of the
resisitance against the empire...
Only legend remains...
